Faith Lutheran provides many activities for fellowship with one another while witnessing to all people and helping each other grow in the word (Ephesians 4:11-14). See the upcoming Featured Events and the many Activities below with brief descriptions of what to expect.
Join us for coffee, a snack, and fellowship between services for fellowship and Bible Study. This is for people of all ages including children, youth, and adults. The class is taught by Pastor Roger.
Youth meet monthly for fellowship and fun and to plan future activities and adventures.
This six-week class is intended for those interested in joining our church or for anyone wishing to review the Bible with Pastor Roger. Please contact the office or Pastor Roger for more information
All women who become members of Faith Lutheran Church are a part of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML). LWML participates in national and regional efforts to spread the Word of God throughout the world and specifically in Washington and Alaska, our district, and our more concentrated area, the Hood Canal Zone.
Faith Women meet monthly to empower, encourage, equip, and enjoy each other through Bible study, prayer, education, guest speakers and hands on activities that benefit our congregation and our community as well as support the worldwide efforts. Regular recurring activities include memorial teas, Christmas Share Tree, Thanksgiving Baskets, gifts for shut-ins and the preschool children, a nonagenarian recognition event, picnic and Christmas party for the women, collections to help community groups such as TAFY, Boys and Girls Club, Food Bank, etc. and single event activities as we see a need. These meetings are on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
The Faith Lutheran Handbell Choir began in 1982 with the gift of two octaves of Schulmerich hand bells from the Murray Jones family. In time, a third octave and three octaves of chimes were added. Under the leadership of Bernice Metz and Pat Marcy, the bell choir has not only contributed to Sunday Worship but participated in local and regional workshops and concerts. Several youth choirs have received instruction as well. Presently, the bell choir has a full complement of eleven ringers and several substitutes. Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song. Psalm 95:2
Choirs have always been a part of worship at Faith Lutheran Church since its beginning in the 1950’s. Over the years, there has been a secession of adult, youth, and children’s choirs and directors. Today, we hear the joyful singing of children in Preschool Chapel. The current adult choir, with director Pat Marcy and accompanist Janice Moored, sing music together in a variety of styles every Sunday of the choir season. During the summer, soloists and small vocal ensembles frequently provide special music support to our services.
Choir pieces and hymns for worship festivals are often enhanced by brass instruments as well as guitars. During the Christmas holidays, the choir enjoyed Christmas caroling to our shut-ins and local care facilities. Deo Soli Gloria
Women’s Evening Bible Study provides women an opportunity to meet and know the love of Jesus through small group study of the Scriptures in an informal setting. WEBS meets monthly in homes during the school year. Watch the Sunday bulletin for locations.
The Quilting Group at Faith Lutheran Church meets every Thursday from 12:00 – 2:00 pm between September and May. We meet in the classrooms at church during the school year. New members are welcome.
Our group makes about 100 quilts each year – quite an accomplishment! Once finished, the quilts are blessed and distribute to different charities. Last year, Quilters gave twenty quilts to Lutheran World Relief, and shared the remaining quilts with TAFY (The Answer for Youth), Linus Program which then distributes the quilts to Children’s Hospital, Boys & Girls Club of Sequim, Healthy Families, and Obria Medical Clinics. The Quilting Group also gives quilts to FLC high school graduates, our Preschool Christmas Bazaar, and baby quilts for our preschool mothers.
In addition to all the creativity, being in the Quilting Group gives us time to talk, laugh, and be of support to each other.
A fun program for women encouraging friendship and prayer. Bring your mug and sign-up in the narthex.